Curriculum - Creating Smarter minds
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage 7 areas to ensure that your child learns through play and reaches their developmental milestones.
With the help of the seven areas of EYFS we help the child learn and development helps the child to effectively acquire skills, new knowledge and nurture them aesthetically and globally.
Our staff are highly trained to help your babies foster early language development with one on one conversations, sing & sign songs, finger rhymes and stories.
Early year’s education forms the essential part in the overall development of the child. It is during this period that a child learns by engaging its sense of sight, smell, touch and hearing.
For instance, with the help of sense of touch the child learns about different shapes, sizes of objects, hearing helps the child develop the art of listening and understanding about the world around them and sense of sight helps them to identify objects, patterns and words.
Our carefully created curriculum includes would provide your child a variety of learning experiences that are fun, exciting and learning oriented.
We introduce your child with innovative ideas and concepts along with the following skills:
- Learning to coordinate and cooperate with each other
- Improving communication skills
- Expressing their creative side.
- To become aware of the surroundings
- Building up confidence
Physical activity for children 0-2 years
Babies aged 0-12 months need plenty of opportunities for free movement and floor play, as long as they can do it in a safe environment. An environment that encourages your child to explore and develop skills like reaching, rolling, sitting up, crawling, pulling up and walking is great.
Your child can be active inside or outside. But being outside can provide endless opportunities to use big muscles, think creatively and learn more about the environment.
Physical activity for children 2-5 years
Toddlers and pre-schoolers need plenty of free time and space to just run around and play. Backyards, school playgrounds, empty sporting fields, adventure playgrounds, school playgrounds, parks, trails and the beach are all great places for children of this age.
If children enjoy what they’re doing, they’re more likely to want to keep
doing it. Physical activities that children enjoy will:
- Increase their confidence
- Allows experiences to develop sensory development and gross motor control for health and emotional well being
- Helps develop fine motor control and precision necessary for later learning
- Develop coordination and positional awareness through tummy time
- Develop core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, coordination and agility
Physical activity is vital to your child’s healthy growth and development. And it can start very early in life as part of your child’s everyday play
How Much Physical Activity does your child need?
Babies, Toddlers and Pre-schoolers should be physically active for at least 3 hours spread throughout the day. All children need to play energetically each day, and children over three years need at least an hour of energetic play each day.

At Smart Teenies we have a nice large garden which has both a small grass area and a soft surface play area. The Garden has a nice free flow area and hosts climbing, sliding, riding, bouncing, rolling and jumping equipment for all our children to access. The garden is an extension of our classrooms and encourages child led free flow play.
Extra curriculum
Teenie Bops Music & Dance | Out and About | Diddi Dance | Yoga Teenies

Diddi Dance
Smart Teenies has been lucky enough to have been working alongside Diddi Dance for many years. Diddi Dance has been designed to complement and enhance the Early Years foundation Framework and has been successfully used within our nursery. Children up to the age of 5 get the chance to develop their school and become more bodily aware and gain confidence in moving on their own. Sessions combine games and dance exercises with props and songs to help children’s coordination rhythm and both gross and fine motor skills.
Teenie Bops - Our love of Music & Dance
Teenie Bops introduces your child into the world of dance and active music. These sessions are fun and engaging and have enormous educational benefits within early years learning. Rhythm, beats, sound, action and movement help improve literacy and mathematical abilities as well as gross motor and cognitive development. Entertaining, catchy songs, dance moves make learning thoroughly enjoyable and the sessions can be adapted to any age.
Teenie Bops helps to increase toddlers’ awareness of sound from listening and singing along which forms the basis of language and teaches them new words.
Pre-schoolers will notice alliteration, rhymes and counting sequences whilst also learning how to make own musical instruments and how music can help them to express their feeling and emotions.
We use music from around the world to increase your Childs cultural sound appreciation.
Baby yoga helps to attune to your babies needs and to calm or stimulate them as appropriate with a sense of security and wellbeing. It is beneficial for all babies, you don’t need to practice yoga or know anything about yoga to get started. At Smart Teenies we like to provide all of our children the opportunity to have a quiet moment in the day Yoga is a great way to achieve this.
At Smart Teenies we encourage a chill out time, we will use yoga and relaxing bells and classical music to encourage children to be still and calm. Our Yoga sessions are repetitive and familiar as children like routine. Children need to hear word several times i.e Balance, Stretch, Breath to enable them to learn and remember. Each month we use a different theme e.g. body parts, dinosaur but using similar vocab in every session.
Yoga helps to enhance gross motor skills, body awareness, balance and co-ordination. Yoga can also help children with their awareness of their mind and body helping them to have self-regulation control and process different emotions as soon as they happen.
Out and About
At Smart Teenies we like to engage in our local area, by taking the children on nature walks, enquiry walks, scavenger hunts and discovery walks. Being in the heart of Greenwich means we have access to local parks and green areas, the library and of course the river front. We have access to the DLR and train station on our door step which allows our inquisitive children the choice to explore a little further afield such as farms, museums and local markets.