Caterpillar Room 0mths – 2.5 yrs
Explore our free flow home from home environment for our youngest children. Our Caterpillar room provides a homely and fun environment for your little one to nurture and grow. The baby room is devised for kids aged approx—3 to 24 months.
The bright room provides a calming and quiet environment for the babies to play, rest and sleep throughout the day. Our unit is comprised of a separate nappy change area, and activity area.
Our Caterpillar room is a adaptable space that meets the needs for our teenie tots to crawl, roll, stumble, and shuffle.
We have a well-equipped play area that is non-messy and has non- slippery flooring, which keeps the babies safe throughout their different play activities. The no-shoe policy has been adopted to keep up the cleanliness factor and the child’s safety.
Vast selections of resources have been added to boost up their fine motor skills and coordination; Toys are handy for the babies to self-select where they can freely enjoy various experiences of sight, smell, and touch, which are essential in a
child’s development.
We focus on the essential field of learning – communication, language, physical, social, emotional development and the aim is to motivate them to discover new and exciting activities.
Our team of dedicated staff provides verbal feedback about your child’s day. Each child has their profile updated throughout the day where the staffs notifies the parents about the activities they have taken part in, how many hours they have slept, and the food they have consumed.
Baby Room Activities: The baby room activities are planned according to individual interests. Our activities are not just confined to paint and brush but also include expressing ourselves through dancing, singing, and using a variety of props and instruments.
Some of the activities that we carry out in our baby room:
- Nursery rhymes singing
- Musical instruments to story time
- Playdough Disco
- Teenie Bops sessions
- Soft play activities
- Sensory play with foam, water, paint
- Garden activities & Short walks
- Messy play activities.
- Imaginative play
- Physical
Butterfly room 2.5 years – 5yrs
Butterfly room is a large open planned room with a self-contained bathroom and nappy changing area. The garden is attached to this room so allows lots of light into our room and plenty of free flow play.
Our staff team are trained to work with different age groups and support mixed key groups to access a wide range of age
appropriate activities.
Our Daily routine consists of a balance of free flow child led play and adult led activities which allow children to develop at their own pace whilst being supported and preparing them for school.
The curriculum we embrace at Smart Teenies is basically the skills and behaviours we want children to learn to make them equipped and ready for their next steps. We want our children to be curious explorers, confident communicators, independent learners and inquisitive thinkers.
With these skills firmly embedded, they will be fully equipped and ready for the next step into ‘big school’.
Butterfly room hosts a large role play area to encourage imagination and different zones and resources that support all 7 areas of learning from the EYFS which are:
- Personal, Social and emotional
- Communication and Language
- Physical
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Vast selections of resources have been added to boost up their literacy and mathematical skills and fine and gross motor coordination; and their understanding of the world.
During your time in Butterfly room your child will be engaged in a variety of activities and precious learning moments as they spread their wings and getting ready to fly we begin our school readiness activities to get them confident and ready for the next transition in their lives.
School Readiness
School readiness refers to whether a child is ready to make an easy and successful transition into school. The term ‘preschool readiness’ might be used in the same manner in reference to beginning preschool. School readiness can be actively facilitated with a little forward planning to ensure that children regularly participate in activities that develops the appropriate skills required to help optimal learning when they start school.
While many people think of academics (e.g. writing their name,
counting to 10, knowing the colours) as the important school readiness skills, school readiness actually refers to a much broader range of skills.
In addition to some academic basics, school readiness skills also include self-care (independent toileting and opening lunch boxes), attention and concentration, physical skills (e.g. having the endurance to sit upright for an entire school day), emotional regulation, language skills and play and social skills.
Clippers - Breakfast & After School Club 4yrs- 11yrs
At Smart Teenies we offer Out of School Provisions for up to 40 Children working in partnership with James Wolfe Primary School for children aged 4-11years since 2010.
Our club is fun, friendly and packed full of independent and adult led play and activities, providing a safe environment for children whilst parents /carers are working. The club is a safe and nurturing environment, where our Manager will supervise all staff and activities which will inform any changes needed in the future.
The After School club offers a variety of activities after school which include, homework support, table tops games, arts and crafts, cooking and sports. Each day Breakfast is provided between 7.30am and 9am a choice of cereals and toast/ pancakes or muffins and each afternoon a mix of cold and hot snacks are provided with fruit and fresh water.
The services are popular and have limited spaces, so please call or email (smarteenies2009@hotmail.co.uk) the setting for details and to book a space.
We operate Monday – Friday term time only
Breakfast club from 7.30am till start of school day
After School Club from 3pm – 6pm
We work in partnership with James Wolfe School and collect
children from school activities at the end of the day.